Our minds are an incredibly powerful tool, and as we know, we only use a small portion of it every day. Our thoughts play a significant role in how we view the world, and the positive v/s negative thoughts we carry with us can be the foundation for all sorts of things in our lives, both good and bad.
How to Think & Stay Positive?
Many people believe that positive thinking takes lots of effort. In the beginning, while we form the new habit, it certainly will take awareness. However, the only way to empower ourselves to live Our Very Excellent Life is to live consciously with an awareness of our thoughts.
It is said that of the 65,000 plus thoughts that flip through our mind each day, 95% of them are the same ones we thought yesterday. Yes, 95%! Why in the world do we do that? The simple answer-most of us live in the past or the future, missing the only time that really counts and really that matters- the present.
Most of us use the energy we need for today, to keep alive memories from the past or misuse our imagination by carrying past pain into the future as slightly altered experiences. The fears that stop us from living our dreams are really expectation of bad experiences in the future. In other words, many of us take our past into the future and remain stuck in life.
With little effort we can find ourselves to be positive thinkers. Positive thinking is actually very simple, here are a few ways we can get started...and have a positive impact on all areas in our life:
- If we find ourselves thinking a negative thought, change it to a positive thought.
- Surround our life with positive people, don't allow negativity into our life.
- Spend our time on activities that bring us happiness.
- Invoke positive memories whenever we can.
- Cherish the simple pleasures in our life.
- Be around people who make us laugh.
- Love ourselves
Don't fool ourselves into thinking that, just because the above ideas are simple they will not work. The opposite is actually true, and we all know what impact positive v/s negative thoughts can have in our life. If we convey a positive attitude towards others we will be surrounded by people who want to be around us and are positive themselves. These relationships will only continue to grow and bring more positive energy into our life. The opposite is true as well, so keep positive thoughts.
Remember thinking positive is only a plat form where the thinking has to translate into positive action which should eventually become positive habits which lead to positive results. But every thing starts with positive thinking!
Have you heard of the old saying "he woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" We have all experienced this before ourselves, for some reason we wake up in a bad mood and our entire day seems to turn out bad. Did you know that we can change this?
Begin each day in a positive manner. Open the drapes to let the sun shine in, put on some of our favorite music, tell ourselves a positive thought or two...whatever it takes to start our positive thinking. We will be amazed at what these simple changes can bring to our life.
Well, just because these ideas are simple...does not mean they are easy. That is probably why everyone is not walking around with a positive attitude, because it takes work, desire, and discipline to live our life in this manner. It is easier being negative! The choice is ours, we have nobody to blame but ourselves, when deciding between positive v/s negative thoughts.
What are your thoughts now- Positive or Negative ?
Good show.
Keep it up!!!
Dear Shamim Sir,
The point that I would like to emphasis here is that "We have to love ourselves". This is something many of us rarely do. We could do big things for our friends, family and for office but when it comes to ourself we get a bit hesitant. Loving the person within you and having confidence in ourself is one of the main key to generate positive thoughts.
Dear Mr Shamim,
Recently many many speakers and writers are delving on this good subject of Think Positive.
This is catching the attention of people and they listen or read the message.Knowing a word is just one step,If anyone wants to live positive they have understand the meaning,the many cotexts,the tools, the application,practise and finally live positive.Then,it will really
Best Regards,
That story was nice.The best way to drive a point is to keep it simple and clear.That i could see in your writing.Nice meeting a like minded fellow blogger.
hi went thru ur blog on poditive thinking n yes i found de thts u peened r really really gud n wen put into practise can help one better ones life by leaps n bounds
Yes,its true.
Our life is what
our thoughts make it ..
when the tide of life turns against us and the current upsets our boat, dont waste tears on what might have been.Just lie on our back and float with a SMILE !
Do keep adding on with more positive inputs..
Some times back i was reading a book called Million Dollar Habit By Brian Tracy which says ,
“You are where you are and what you are because of yourself.
Everything you are today, or ever will be in the future, is up to you. Your life today
is the sum total result of your choices, decisions and actions up to this point. You
can create your own future by changing your behaviors. You can make new
choices and decisions that are more consistent with the person you want to be and
the things you want to accomplish with your life.”
It has exactly to do with the thinking .
Defining thoughts into negetive or positive is subjective . For some ,some thought is positive at the same time the same may be negetive to other.....
Thanks , Shamim .
From your writing , I become reading more good English article . "Think Positive , and make life better"
Great post indeed. Positive thinking proves to be a great magic. It's a big source of great energy. Positive thinking gives confidence, success, health.Thank you for the post. (http://greatlivingguide.blogspot.com/2011/01/7-tips-to-positive-thinking.html)
Great post indeed. Positive thinking proves to be a great magic. It's a big source of great energy. Positive thinking gives confidence, success, health.Thank you for the post. (http://greatlivingguide.blogspot.com/2011/01/7-tips-to-positive-thinking.html)
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